Monday, January 30, 2012

Hospital Survival Kits

I have a few friends who recently found out they were pregnant, so I started cruising pinterest for some ideas for baby shower gifts. 

I found the perfect one! Some new moms and even veterans can forget things when packing for their hospital stay, this is the perfect remedy!

The Hospital Survival Kit originally came from the blog Jen's Own Road

The kit is basically things new mom's may not think about such as hair ties and headbands to tie your hair out of the way. Chapstick (make sure its natural) since you can't drink anything while in labor. Some chocolate because after delivery you deserve some chocolate! A snack for when babies come at inopportune times when the cafeteria is closed or if the hospital food is gross. And some makeup remover to wash your face with. I scrolled through the comments to see what other people suggested to put in their and some suggestions were travel size shampoo and conditioner, some soothing nursing pads and lanolin cream, maxi pads, Some magazines and/or a book, and some soft tissues.

I think this is a great idea for anyone having to stay in the hospital!

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